Thursday 12 May 2011

Inspired by a need to laugh

The Frog

There was an old man from Quahog,

who swallowed a troublesome frog.

Asleep in his bed

it fell on his head

while hiding away from the dog.

The frog was well known about town,
for being a bit of a clown.
He took up a wife
(the rumours were rife)
but the couple settled right down.

The Frog-Wife prepared for attack,
to get her poor Frog-Husband back.
She thought up a plan
to hurt the old man
and rescue his unforeseen snack.

She found his nice hot cup of tea,
and slipped pepper in it with glee,
he drank it so quick,
it made him feel sick,
and he shouted, ‘How can this be?’

The old man could stand it no more
and threw up all over the floor.
Out jumped the frog,
a cat and a dog,
and all took a run for the door.

The two young frogs ran far away
The poor old man died the next day.
Some said it was shock,
some said ‘Poppycock!’
And the frogs yelled, ‘Hip hip hooray!’

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