Sunday 1 May 2011

Weekly Update!

Bar Crawling, Sunny Walks and a Messy Night!

This week has been really lovely, although I have done practically no work, which doesn't bode well! On Monday I worked, and then spent some time with my family before they left to go back home after spending the weekend with us. On Tuesday Chris came to visit, and I met him in Manchester to do a little bar crawl. The weather was still gorgeous (though I'm sure it will end soon) and we started in Dukes 92, next to the canal. It is quite an expensive place, but I really like it as it is in Castlefield, perhaps my favourite part of Manchester, and the interior decoration is beautiful; all oak panels and brocade armchairs.

After we had been there, we went to Rain bar, again a short walk along the canal. We didn't stay there too long, as we were getting hungry, and had planned to visit Font bar for a cocktail and some cheap food. I had a delicious variation on potato skins, they had literally scooped all the potato off them and fried them until crispy, almost like actual crisps. Then they had layers of cheese, bacon, guacamole, salsa and sour cream on top. It really filled me up and was an absolute bargain at just £3. I accompanied my food with a tasty gin cocktail that tasted of elderflower. We then went to Dry bar for a final drink before catching the train home. I really enjoyed spending the day going around bars rather than the evening, as it was less busy, and meant we still had the whole evening to do something when we were home.

On Wednesday we lounged around for a while, before going for a meander around Dunham Massey, taking advantage of the weather while it lasted. Chris left in the evening after a tea of fajitas courtesy of Mother Miles, and it felt like we had spent a nice couple of days actually doing something rather than just staying at home for once. On Thursday I did the shift from doom, a ten hour long 7am start til 5pm. Afterwards, I felt like doing very little, so just sat and caught up on Desperate Housewives!

On Friday it was of course The Royal Wedding, which I watched in envy of the expensive frocks and gorgeous hats adorned, before getting ready to go to Crewe for Chris' friends 21st party. I stole a pretty blue dress from my sister, and caught the train at 3pm, ready for an early starting drinking session with a barbecue. I had a brilliant time, though not so much the following day, as I was ridiculously hungover. It was soon sorted with a long nap and an Indian meal though (see previous post).

Sunday involved an ample lie-in followed by some errand running, some creative writing, and a shift at work. Quite a nice week I'd say!

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