Sunday 22 May 2011

Weekly Update!

Moules, & a night in the toon!

This week was much better than last week, as aside from working, I also got to see my boyfriend, go out for the first time in nearly three weeks, and catch up with some of my girlies from home. On Monday, Chris came to stay and we went shopping in Manchester, and then on Wednesday I went to see Water For Elephants with my mum (see previous posts). After we had been to the cinema we had a lovely tea of mussels in white wine for a starter, followed by herb crusted pork chops with crushed roast potatoes for main course. It was delicious!

On Thursday I did various jobs that had been mounting up, before dying my hair with the toner I bought in Manchester. It went well, although my hair still wasn't light enough all over for it to have a huge impact. It did give me some cool purplish/ white highlights though, so it wasn't a completely wasted attempt.

On Friday I worked in the morning before catching a (three hour long!) train to Newcastle for my friend Tasha's 21st birthday. There were three of us from home that could make it, so it was a nice chance to get together and catch up. We pre-drank at Natasha's house with some of her friends from uni, and

then went to a club called The Den. Unfortunately not going out for a while, together with champagne and the triple measure spirits available there meant I was rather drunk, and definitely felt it the following day on the three hour drive home, followed by a five hour shift at work- yuck!

Today I had a slight lie in before another shift at work at twelve, and then came home to a gorgeous chicken roast dinner followed by rhubarb soufflé, which was amazing!

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