Sunday 29 May 2011

Weekly Update!

Return to Lancaster (& a Mexican!)

This week started slowly, as I worked an eight hour shift on Monday, from 9am until 5pm. It perked up when I got home though, as I went to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean film with my family (see previous post).

On Tuesday I went into Masquerade Magazine again, probably for the final time due to some complications which is unfortunate. In the evening we had smoked haddock in a cheese and chive sauce which was delicious, and then I decided to chance watching the new MTV show, Geordie Shore. I can't recommend it for quality of viewing, but it certainly made me laugh, as some of the characters on it are tragic!

On Wednesday I had a much required lie-in followed by a nice run and then did a spot of shopping, ready to return to university at the weekend. I had a gorgeous salad for tea, so felt like I had a very healthy day overall! Thursday was another early morning ready for work at 7am, but afterwards I did some packing and sorted out some food to take on my return to Lancaster.

I worked Friday morning as well, but it went really fast as I knew it was my last shift until I finish uni for good. After a quick nap and packing the last few bits, I set off with my mum at around half six. We left it until later as we had heard that there was a crash on the motorway, but we still managed to hit traffic, and it took us nearly two and a half hours to get there! I was driving, and it is definitely the worst traffic I have been in before, but at least it gave me some clutch control practice.

Yesterday I went onto campus to use the gym for the first time in ages, and I loved doing a good ol' workout, though I was rather stiff this morning! After some lunch and a shower I started getting ready for my first Lancaster night out in 11 weeks. I left the house at half eight, and got a lift to Crows Restaurant to celebrate my friend Natasha's 20th birthday. I had the Chicken Santa Fe, which was strips of chicken breast in a spicy barbecue style chipotle sauce with peppers, served in a deep fried tortilla basket with mexican rice and sour cream. It was my fourth visit to the restaurant, and I've tried something different each time, so thought I should stick with tradition. I also shared a jug of white wine sangria, which I hadn't heard of, but it was lovely and helped to cool my mouth down after the hot meal!

After the meal we went for a few shooters and a boogie in Hustle before finishing the night in Sugar, where I met some other friends that I hadn't seen since before Easter. It was the perfect start to the summer term!

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