Thursday 17 November 2011

Autumn Sounds...

Wild Beasts at Manchester Cathedral

Last night I went to see the 'indie rock' band Wild Beasts, who were playing at Manchester Cathedral. I saw the gig advertised a while ago, but tickets sold out straight away, probably due to the interesting venue. However, my dad's friend Phil text to say he had two spare tickets, so Chris and I went along for free!

I got the band's first album 'Two Dancers' in my second year of university, as I read about them in NME magazine, and after learning they were from Kendal, close to where I went to uni in Lancaster, I decided to give them a go. I immediately liked them, as they are unlike any other band I have heard before. They mix quite high-pitched vocals, with 80s style synth beats, and then heavier rocky guitars. They have some slower songs, some with proper anthem-style choruses and some that scream 80s disco.

Yesterday, we arrived fairly late due to annoying delayed trains, but luckily the band hadn't begun. Upon entering the cathedral, I was blown away. It is such an amazing venue - a beautiful building, with perfect acoustics, and a real feel of community as soon as you enter the door. I was surprised to see that there was a pop-up bar next to the merchandise stalls, but despite being a designated driver, it was a nice bonus to be able to buy a coke.

The music started shortly afterwards, and it was a surprisingly long set. The band played all the expected tracks - 'Hooting and Howling', 'The Fun Powder Plot', 'We Still Got The Taste Dancing On Our Tongues' and 'Bed Of Nails' as well as a few songs off the albums. They came back on for an encore, playing a further four songs, one of which they played the long instrumental in the middle for, which was really moving. The lighting really added to the overall effect of the gig, giving it equal amounts of spook (stone statues lit up in green and red is quite a sight!) and prettiness.

The band commented that they felt that quite a few of their songs had religious undertones, and this was really exaggerated in the setting. Afterwards, we went for a drink in Mojo's, which is a cool little bar off Deansgate that has good tunes, and music memorabilia on the walls. We then had to run to catch the last met, before getting a yummy pizza on the way home. A brilliant (and very cheap) night!

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