Sunday 6 November 2011

Weekly Update!

Cocktails, Bonfires & London Town!

I've had a brilliant time this week! It started on Monday with some lovely cocktails at Piccolinos in Hale with my friend Lydia, which were made all the more tasty by being free. We had a sharing platter for a starter, which had lots of yummy things like mushrooms with pine nuts, tomato meat balls, and mozzarella slices with beef tomatoes, and then I had the seafood risotto for a main course.

On Wednesday I went to see Anonymous at the cinema (see previous post) and on Thursday I had some Gelish nails put on and then did a shift at the pub which was good fun. On Friday Chris came to visit, and we went to Ashton on Mersey rugby club to watch the fireworks. The display was really good, and lasted quite a long time, and at £5 I thought it was very reasonable compared to some of the other local events on offer. We went for a drink afterwards at The Mersey Farm pub, it was nice to try and dry off a bit, as it was absolutely pouring down!

On Saturday I was up bright and early to get ready for a trip to London for Charlotte's birthday. We caught the train at just gone midday, though annoying delays and diversions via Nuneaton and Leicester meant we didn't arrive until half 3, which stopped us doing a lot. We bought a fresh pizza, some crisps and dips and a lemon meringue pie from the local supermarket to cook for tea, as we were staying at our friend Hannah's house in Camden. We had some wine and a good catch up, before getting ready to go out to The Blitz Party, an event in Shoreditch (see next week's post). Our other friend Tasha who was coming from home after work was also delayed, so Charlotte and I went on ahead while Hannah collected her for the station.

The following day after a bit of a lie in, the four of us got ready and went for a walk into Hampstead for some brunch. We went to a little cafe/ bistro called Base, where I had eggs benedict with ham, which was absolutely gorgeous, and to drink I had a hot chocolate, which was one of the best I have tasted. Afterwards we caught the tube to Euston and sat in Starbucks for a while eating cake, and drinking the new Christmas coffees (toffee nut latte is my one of choice - I am so glad it's back!). Our friend Srishti from home, and Tasha's boyfriend Will came and met us in there which was nice. Charlotte and I caught the train home at 3.35pm, and I slept for the entire journey, which luckily was completely stress-free unlike the way there!

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