Thursday 24 November 2011

Traveller's Tales...

Dublin (Part 2)

On our second day in Dublin we had a nice lie in before heading back into the city for some more exploring. We stumbled across the vintage section, and had a lovely brunch in a little independent cafe called Irie's. It was only 8.50 euros for homemade carrot, parsnip and swede soup with bread, a BLT toasted bagel and a cup of tea, totally scrummy and an absolute bargain!

Sufficiently full, we then went for a walk, and were going to hire some bicycles to have a ride around, except we realised we didn't have the money between us for two deposits, which was a little upsetting! Instead we went up to the castle and had a look around, although it definitely wasn't the typical castle I expected, it was more like a town hall! We decided not to bother with the guided tour, as there was quite a crowd, so we went for a drink in a little bar that had a music shop above it.

After that we went to another bar called The Porterhouse, which is well known for doing lots of different ales and speciality drinks. I just had wine, but Chris tried a few different beers, including one specially brewed for the bar. We stayed for quite a while as there was a live band on playing traditional Irish songs which was a very pleasant way to spend Sunday afternoon.

In the evening we went to an amazing 50s style diner called Eddie Rockets. Inside it has jukeboxes, waitresses in white and red uniforms with little hats, black and white tiled floors and red bar stools with mirrored tables. I had a chicken burger with swiss cheese, while Chris had the Smokestack with applewood smoked cheese, onion rings and bacon. We shared some mini quesadillas for a starter, and I had an oreo cookie milkshake which was amazing! After we had eaten we went for a cocktail at the Hard Rock Cafe, which had a selection of drinks for only 5 euros.

On our final day we packed up and left our bags at reception, before going for a cooked breakfast. We then caught a bus to Dublin Zoo, and spent the day there. It had a good range of exhibits, and we watched the sea lions being fed which was fun. There were a few of the enclosures that looked a little worse for wear, but there was a lot of renovation work being done at the time, so hopefully they'll all look lovely and new fairly soon.

After we had been to the zoo, we went back into the city centre and had a final coffee back at The Church bar, and then got some tea at a little cafe in Temple Bar before going to collect our suitcases from the hotel. We the got a bus back to the airport, and were back in Manchester for 11pm. A great trip away!

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