Tuesday 22 November 2011

Weekly Update! (From Sunday)

Chaos, Curry & a Holiday!

Last week was rather chaotic! After working all of Monday, and getting some amazing Thai food free on the job, I had Tuesday evening off, so spent it at the gym and doing some reading. I also found time to buy a lovely pair of shoes from River Island, that I have been coveting for a while after seeing them at the Trafford Centre. A spontaneous sale drove me to buy them, as they were reduced from £68 to just £43! They are the second pair of new shoes I have bought, after choosing some from New Look on Sunday evening as well, but I gave three pairs away last week, so it's allowed! On Wednesday I went to see Wild Beasts at Manchester cathedral (see previous post) which was brilliant.

Thursday was my day off, but it was spent taking Chris to the train station, tidying my room, packing for Dublin and blogging, before I went round to my friend Emily's house with the girls. She made us a gorgeous red Thai curry with rice, and we had some wine and a chatter, and some lemon meringue pie that I took round. It was a really chilled out evening, with excellent company, which was lovely after rushing around all day!

On Friday I went to work and then came home to finish packing, and I took a quick trip to the gym. I had an interview in the evening which went really well, and then went to Wilmslow station to pick Chris up. We decided against going for a drink after as we were both super hungry, and came home to make fish and chips instead- delish!
The next day we were up ridiculously early (5am!) to catch a flight to Dublin for a few days as a late birthday present for Chris. We got back very late last night, hence the delayed blog post. See the next couple of posts to see what we got upto!

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