Monday 23 July 2012

Benicassim 2012

Days 5- 6

By Saturday the booze and lack of sleep were catching up with us, and it was a very subdued group that went for lunch at a little Spanish restaurant at the end of town. I had a massive tuna salad that I just couldn't finish, and a few of the guys left their food too due to feeling rough!

We went and slept on the beach all day, and went back to camp fairly late as Benn and I lost everyone else and ended up waiting around for no reason! Luckily the first main act - Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds, weren't on until quarter past eleven, so we caught a fair bit of Buzzcocks first, who were really good, and then went on to see Noel. The Stone Roses followed, who I was obviously excited to see with them being so popular and a good Manc band. Halfway through though I just felt so tired and drunk that I headed back to my tent and slept! I didn't regret it as I really felt I would have slept on my feet, and I saw most of the biggies. I intended getting up to go back in for Crystal Castles, but noone else was really bothered and felt as drained as me, so I hit the hay at 3am (early for Beni!).

On the final day I woke feeling fresh, and started packing up a few bits as I was leaving after the last act that night to catch my coach shuttle to the airport. We spent the morning wandering for somewhere nice to eat before settling on a restaurant down a sidestreet where I had a bacon and ham pizza and the lads had unlimited paella. We made the most of our last day on the beach, then made cheese and ham baguettes for tea before going back to camp.

That night we saw The Vaccines and then went back for a few more drinks - I was on 'champagne' with freshly squeezed orange juice which was really tasty, and despite saying I wouldn't get drunk as I had my coach to catch, I found myself pretty tipsy! We headed back in to watch New Order and then again at 3am to watch David Guetta, but I ended up watching him by myself as the others got bored and went to the dance tent. Typically just as they left he started playing all the well known tracks, so I'm glad I stayed as it meant my third Beni experience ended on a high.

I went back and met a couple of the camp afterwards, and finished packing up my stuff to go and catch my coach. I didn't manage to see Mike to say bye before I left, but luckily everyone else was there, and Grey walked me to where I was getting my transfer. I literally slept the whole way home from start to finish, and Dad picked me up from Liverpool at approximately midday. Once again it was a brilliant week away, and a refreshing take on the festival being with a different group of people again, who were all awesome. Take me back!

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