Sunday 1 July 2012

Weekly Update!

Hockey, Holidays & Hana!

This week started very nicely, with a belated birthday present of £50 gift vouchers from the family I nanny for to spend in Topshop, Miss Selfridge or Dorothy Perkins.

I went into Altrincham to have a look for a birthday present for my friend Emily on Monday, and got her a skirt from H&M, as well as a necklace and kaftan from there for myself- I couldn't resist the sale!

On Tuesday I went for a run as the weather was nice, and in the evening I went to watch Sam play hockey and then afterwards we went for a meal at Danilos in Hale which was really good. I had penne primavera which had spring vegetables in a creamy sauce, and it was nice and light so I didn't feel like I'd eaten my calorie intake for the day as with many Italians meals!

On Wednesday I babysat until 11.30pm, but earlier on I took Aum to the Cake Gallery where I had a black cherry cupcake and an Appletiser, as it was really humid so I didn't want to have a hot cup of tea!

I spent Thursday evening eating fajitas and making cupcakes for dad's party (see previous post) and then Sam and I booked a holiday to Turkey! Very excited. On Friday it was my friend Emily's birthday so we went for drinks at her house before going into Hale for a few and then to Suburbia. It was a good night, but not a super late one as Sam was working on Saturday morning.

Saturday was my dad's party (see previous post) and then today Sam and I went to Wales for the day as he had a job to do there. It was good as we called in on my friend Hana on the way back and went out for pub grub at a place called The Four Crosses. I had a chicken breast stuffed with bacon and mushrooms in a creamy mustard sauce, served with chips and vegetables. As there were 3 of us eating we got a large bowl between us and it had everything in it - broad beans, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potato mash, squash, beetroot, sweetcorn, it was amazing! I would definitely go back again.

We drove home and got back at ten o'clock, shattered after a very busy weekend and not much sleep!

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