Friday 20 July 2012

Benicassim 2012

Days 3- 4

Thursday was our first full day at the festival, so after we'd all got up we ventured out for some proper food for breakfast/ lunch. We went to a place called Utopia that both groups of us had been to before, as it has a lovely little terrace out of the back that has a vined roof. I had a cup of tea and a ham and cheese bruschetta, and all the lads had two baguettes!

After we had eaten we walked to the beach and to a swimming pool that the boys knew about. We technically weren't allowed there, but we managed to get an hour there before being 'moved along'. After a couple of hours napping on the beach we headed back to camp to get ready for the first night of music. Unfortunately Florence and the Machine (one of the main reasons I was there) cancelled which I was pretty bummed about, but never mind. That night we watched The Horrors, De La Soul and apparently Example, although at this point I couldn't remember a thing!

Friday was perhaps the day I was looking forward to the most, as Chase and Status were playing. I saw them last year and they were insanely good, so I knew it was a pretty dead cert. The day was spent in a similar way to Thurs, we had lunch at a cafe called Jays where I had a salmon and prawn sandwich which was tasty, and then did the pool and beach again (this time the pool lasted ten minutes!).

Once we were back, a few people went to watch Bob Dylan, but I wasn't really too bothered, and could hear it from the tent anyway. We had plenty of time to drink before going in to watch the Maccabees who I really enjoyed despite barely knowing their stuff, and then Chase and Status were on at 3am, so we were all suitably drunk for it. The set was even better than last year - I'd definitely say they were my highlight, and Friday was easily my favourite day of the festival.

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