Tuesday 17 July 2012

Benicassim 2012

Days 1- 2 

I'll be honest, writing about parts of this festival will be difficult, seen as I have very little recollection of what I was watching and doing. However, I will try to improvise the gaps to as best of my ability, and hope that it is somewhat close to the truth.

I left my house on Tuesday July 10th to drive to Liverpool airport, where I was flying to Madrid from. The time went pretty fast, and before I knew it I had checked in, bought a Boots meal deal for the plane (my standard procedure since the lack of plane food) and was sat drinking a coffee before boarding. I had arranged to meet Grey, a friend of the people I was going to the festival with, in the departure lounge, as he was on the same flight as me. This was a slightly bizarre process, not dissimilar to meeting someone on a blind date, but we found each other fine and it was nice to have some company on the journey.

Once we had landed and picked up our bags, we decided to negotiate the metro system, as it was only 5€ to the hotel, instead of 30€ in a taxi. It was really simple to use, and we were at our stop in less than half an hour. In fact, it was only because we started walking the wrong way down the street that we weren't in the hotel within the hour! We were staying at the Petit Palace Santa Barbera, which was probably the best hotel I've ever stayed in! We paid £96 for the night between 3 of us, and it had a huge double bed plus funky pull down bunk beds, free Internet and wifi, a bathroom bigger than my bedroom, a lovely little courtyard, and was in a very swanky area, with bars and restaurants directly outside.

By this time we were both knackered, so had a little sleep and then watched some tv until Mike and Benn arrived. Their flight was supposed to arrive at 9pm, but not only was it delayed, but they had problems picking up the hire car, and then got a little lost so it was nearly midnight by the time they got to us! We parked it up in a car park, then went to get some food, before ending the night in a jazz club that was next to our hotel. It was 5€ to get in, but then you got a free beer, so wasn't too bad.

The next day we packed up and got some food, before collecting the car and driving to the festival. It was supposed to take us 5 1/2 hours, but somehow we managed it in 4! We went straight into the town, got some food from a tapas bar, then headed to the campsite and got our festival bands, before meeting the others in the group we were camping with that Mike and Benn camp with every year. They had a pretty good spot right near the beer tent and showers, although it was a bit of a squash with our 4 extra tents!

By the time we had pitched up it was getting pretty late, so we had showers, got changed and then Benn and Grey did a booze run which lasted us most of the week. Then we got on the booze! We were all so tired from the drive we were asleep by half 2, but we all put in a pretty good effort with the drink, we made a cocktail of rum and pineapple juice, and then I had a bottle of 'champagne' that was only 1.59€! It was fun getting to know the other lads we were camped with, they are all lovely, which was a relief seen as I was the only girl in the group, so was a little dubious!

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