Sunday 8 July 2012

Weekly Update!

Bowling, Packing and Mud!

This week has been really lovely, a good week to end on before I go off on holiday on Tuesday (so there will be no posts next week). I had a couple of articles to do for Candid, and worked at the pub as usual, so the start to the week was fairly quiet, except I booked a holiday to Tenerife on Monday. I also had my eyebrows threaded on Wednesday, which was a new experience. It was a lot more painful than I had anticipated, but the results were well worth it, even if they are a little thin for my liking.

On Thursday I went to the Museum of Science and Industry (see previous post) which was fun, and on Friday I took Aum and his cousin to the Trafford Centre to go bowling. Aum had never done it before, except on his Wii (!) so it was lovely seeing them do something a little different for once. We had lunch at McDonalds, and then I drove them both home. In the evening I went to Sam's house and got some work done, while he slept off quite a lot of alcohol!

On Saturday it was our three month anniversary, so after my shift at the pub (where I was delivered some gorgeous roses!) we went out for a meal at The Bulls Head in Mobberley. I started with the prawn and monkfish thermidor, which was delicious, and served so prettily in a large pink shell. For main I chose the manly homemade steak and ale pie with chunky chips and minted mushy peas. It was gorgeous, but the portion was massive so it defeated me, and I didn't have room for dessert, which was a shame as they sounded amazing! Sam opted for the mushrooms on toast followed by haddock and chips, which was equally humongous. We went for a few drinks in the Greyhound afterwards before heading home. 

Today has been a very packed day actually. I started off with a trip to the gym, before packing everything up ready for Benicassim on Tuesday. I then went round to Sam's and we had a lovely walk around Ashley, Hale Barns and the River Bollin, although it was rather muddy! Then I caught a quick drink in the Moss Trooper with Mike and Benn who I am going away with, before going back to Sams, where I am now. Bring on the sunshine and music of Beni!

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