Saturday 1 December 2012

Winter Sounds...

Knife Party/ Sub Focus

Last night I travelled with a couple of friends to Leeds to stay with my sister. The weather was a bit of a nightmare, and there was an accident on the motorway, but we still managed to get there for 7.30pm, which wasn't bad considering we had a few detours and stopped off for some food at Morrisons.

We got ready and had a few drinks, before playing some drinking games and getting into the mood for the evening. We got a taxi from the house at about eleven, as Jas and I had to pick our tickets up from the Box Office, but we were actually fairly lucky as there was no queue, so we got in quicker than those in the normal queue.

The drinks in the venue (we were at the O2 Apollo in Leeds city centre) were really expensive, it was £5 for a single and mixer! I noticed that the miniature bottles of wine were £4 though, so I bought two of those and put them into a pint glass - classy. I didn't actually drink a great deal, as with it being so crowded and us jumping around a lot, it was a bit counter-productive having a full glass.

First on were Feed Me, who I'd never heard of, but they were really good, and proper got the atmosphere pumped up ready for Sub Focus, who were next. I was looking forward to that set the most, and it didn't disappoint. It ended with Tidal Wave, which I am totally in love with, so that was cool. Knife Party, the 'headliners' were next, and they did all their classic hits, by which time the majority of people were wasted/ high, so it was pretty crazy!

They finished at about half 3, by which time my sister was getting tired, so she and her boyfriend went home and I stayed out with my friends. The final act to play were Koan Sound, who (from what I can remember) were also amazing. However by then the venue had cleared quite a lot, so most people were just bobbing about, it wasn't quite as mental! We left at 4.35am, knackered. It was a brilliant night though, you can't beat a dubstep/ D&B night for getting you in a good mood!

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