Wednesday 19 December 2012

Nights Out...

Hale Prep Nativity

Yesterday I went to watch Aum in his Nativity play with his parents. It was at the Wythenshawe Forum, which is a huge theatre, but to be fair it was pretty full - a much better turnout than I remember being at mine when I was younger!

The Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children did a traditional nativity story, but it was shown from the perspective of the star that the wise men followed, which was different. I was impressed at how well they all remembered the dance routines and songs, as they are only little, and some of the costumes were brilliant.

Next was the Year 3 and 4 children, who did a more dance inspired performance of Pinocchio. They all looked brilliant dressed as puppets, and though it was only ten minutes long, the dances were perfectly coordinated and executed very well, not one child was out of time! The boy who played Gepetto also managed to keep up a flawless Italian accent for the duration which I thought was fantastic.

Finally came the turn of the older children - Years 5 and 6. They did a shortened version of Les Miserables, which I can honestly say is the best children's play I have ever seen. Everyone was in character giving it their all, and a couple of the soloists had amazing voices, I literally would not be surprised if they are on the stage/ screen in the future. 

At the end of all three pieces, all the children sang 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas' and there was a speech by the headteacher, Mr Connor. After initially not being that bothered about seeing it, I'm really glad I went, as I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it put me in a lovely Christmassy mood. It's a while since I've seen a nativity play, but I can safely say it put the ones done by my primary school firmly to shame!

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