Sunday 9 December 2012

Weekly Update!

Free Tickets, Dates & Christmas Trees!

This week has been pretty fun-filled, as aside from working at the pub on Monday, I scored a free ticket to Xfm's Winter Wonderland on Tuesday (see previous post) and I went on a date on Wednesday. We went to this really nice pub/ bar in Spinningfields in Manchester called The Oasthouse, which is made to look like an old barn - it was very cosy and festive with all the Christmas decorations. I bumped into a few of the regulars from the pub I work at which was funny, as they insisted on embarrassing me by shaking my date's hand and congratulating him!

On Thursday I helped my mum to put up our Christmas tree, aided by the obligatory sound of Christmas music on my iPod and a couple of glasses of wine which was lovely. Dad, as per, confined himself to the other room and watched the football all night!

On Saturday I went to Leeds (see previous post) and in the evening a big group of us went out to Evolution. It was their Christmas night, which wasn't much different except for a themed backdrop to the photos, and a cringe-worthy dance troupe performing to 'All I Want For Christmas' and wielding axle-grinders and fire sticks to 'Girl On Fire'. Not only were the girls pretty harsh on the eye, but I genuinely think I could have put on a better show, as they were far from talented. I sound like such a jealous person, but those who know me will know I appreciate an attractive girl as much as any guy, so really it's just disappointment!

Today we were all slightly hungover, though I'll be honest, I expected worse, so lounged around reminiscing about the night's antics before I drove home at 3pm. Mum and I had intended going to a carol concert this evening - only to discover upon arrival that there was no such event occurring, so we went home and had liver, sausages, cauliflower cheese and sweet potato mash for tea, which was worth going home for!

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