Sunday 2 December 2012

Weekly Update!

Eggs Benedict, Skyping & Chinese!

This week started nicely, as I went for lunch with Tasha on Monday to a new cafe that has opened in Hale called Cafe Gourmand. I chose to have eggs Benedict  a personal favourite of mine, and a cup of tea. It came with one of those ball infuser things which was different, and looked very swish on the wooden plank it was served on! The food was gorgeous, and for that with a tip and two cups of tea it was just over £11, which I thought was quite good.

Tuesday and Wednesday went by in a flash, I skyped Hana in Australia on Weds lunchtime; it was great to catch up with her and see her all settled in. In the evening I went for a drink with Mike at The Pelican in Sale which has been done up - it was really busy as a match was on, but it was cool to have a few chilled drinks to break the week up. I babysat on Thursday, and had my nails done on Friday before picking Hendo and Nate up to drive to Leeds to see SubFocus and Knife Party (see previous post). 

Saturday was a bit of a rush driving back from Leeds and getting ready for a ball I was going to that started at 6.30pm (see previous post) but I managed it and had a great night. Sunday was a lovely lazy day that involved a lie in, watching some TV, catching up with some of the mates I went to Benicassim with and in the evening I got a Chinese with Mum and Dad which topped the day off nicely. Best weekend I've had in a while!

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