Sunday 9 December 2012

Days Out...

Vintage Fair, Leeds

Yesterday I went back to Leeds for a second time for my sister's birthday. I arrived at around 2pm and was greeted with a bacon sandwich - perfect. 

Once I'd dumped my bags we decided to drive into Leeds as there was a vintage fair on at the Corn Exchange. We parked at a really cheap carpark (£1 an hour) and wandered through town until we reached the venue. It is a really magnificent building and looked very festive with a huge tree in the middle and lots of lights twinkling.

The first few stalls were jewellery based, and had some pretty aged gold pieces that were handmade. as well as vintage brooches and hair pieces. There was a beautiful customised hand held mirror on one stand that I was very tempted with.

Towards the back were a few more 'fashioney' stalls, selling hand tie-dyed clothes and cut off Levis jeans shorts and sheer blouses, old fashioned leather clip suitcases and some amazing fur coats, which despite being £400 still made me want to reach for my credit card! As well as the vintage market, there were also shops there that are open everyday selling everything from trinkets to Asian inspired gifts, handmade tailoring to some pretty funny cards! (see picture).

After we'd had a wander we went into a few more shops in the centre before heading back to the car. Something a bit different to do that filled a Saturday afternoon I guess!

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