Thursday 13 December 2012

Nights Out...

Manchester Christmas Markets

Last night I met up with Amanda, my friend from university, and we went for a wander around the Christmas markets in Manchester city centre. I love going every year as it really gets me in the mood for Christmas (and the food is definitely a bonus point).

We met by St Peter's Square met stop as it is directly in front of the markets, so is a good rendezvous point. We had a bit of a mooch around first, before deciding what to get for our tea, which I always find a hard decision! I chose a lamb burger, but as there was a wait on those I went for the Cumberland sausage instead, with Stilton cheese, and red pepper relish. It was amazing! Amanda got the same but with Lancashire cheese instead. I also bought some raspberry mulled wine, which is my favourite out of all the flavours they do there. The prices are pretty ridiculous, but you do get a bit swept up in the festive spirit!

We then had a look at some of the stalls, and I bought a couple of things; an antique gold ring that looks like a crown, and an oxidised silver torque bangle that has a lovely pattern engraved on it - I've been after one in a similar style for ages, but they're so expensive in places like Topshop etc. I managed to get this one for £12 which I was very happy with.

After a while we were getting chilly and it was starting to get a bit quiet so we decided to head home. Not before a cheeky trip to the fudge stall though! I got 100g of cherry vanilla flavour and 100g of maple and pecan; it's probably the only time I can justify spending nearly a fiver on sweets.

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