Sunday 16 December 2012

Weekly Update!

Babysitting & Debauchery

This has been a babysitting filled week! I looked after a little 6 month old baby called Henry on Tuesday, who was adorable, but not so cute when he woke up at 11pm screaming the hotel room down! Luckily his mum came back half an hour later, so it was a relief to pass him back and run away with £30!

On Wednesday I did the Christmas Markets (see previous post) and on Thursday I babysat again, this time for Aum as it was his dad's birthday. It was only until half ten though, so was a relatively easy night.

On Friday I went for a swim, had my nails done and then picked Aum up and took him to a party at the Chill Factore. The traffic was manic, which was rather annoying as I was driving to Northampton that evening, so wanted to be quick home, but I still managed to make it into town to pick up Hendo, Brian and Rick up by just gone six, so it wasn't too bad. The journey took us about three hours, including a stop for some food at a service station, so it was fairly painless, and as soon as we arrived we went to Morrisons for some booze to start drinking!

That night we went to Propaganda, an indie night at a place called the Roadmender. It was the last night before the students left so was pretty busy, and was nice and cheap! We stayed until closing and then got taxis back before crashing into bed. The following morning we were woken really early, thanks Chris, so Geoff and I went to Tesco to buy some stuff to make a full English breakfast, which I cooked, being so incredibly generous. We lounged around and got showered before heading into the town centre for a look around.

Northampton isn't the nicest place, but we managed to find a couple of decent pubs to wile away the afternoon in, and we got some food to keep us going from Wetherspoons - the nachos were amazing! We went back home to get ready for our second night out, which was to a few bars before ending the night in Revolution. I have no idea why we finished up in there, as everyone was complaining about extortionate drinks prices and the idiot guys that were in there, but we had a fab night nonetheless.

This morning, the two day hangover hit and we were all in bed until nearly midday. After packing up the whirlwind in Geoff's flat, we set off for home at around 2pm, and I got back just after 5pm, as had to drop the boys in the city centre. Lisa, Trevor and Laura were round for tea when I arrived, so it was nice to catch up with them, but it was slightly marred by the fact I had just found out Lydia has broken her knee - and I am supposed to be skiing with her in two weeks! Not chuffed, but hey ho, life goes on.

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