Monday 10 June 2013

Parklife 2013

Day 2

Ill be honest, after the disaster of the first day, I wasn't too thrilled at the prospect of round two, but I forced myself to get ready, and got a lift with Mo into town to meet Ellie and the other guys I was going with. The weather was beaut again, so we headed to the park, but sat outside the gates for a while having a few drinks in the sunshine before heading in.

The first thing we did was go on the big wheel, which I wasn't too bothered about, but I'm so glad I did as the view was amazing! Toddla T Sound were on as we were on it, and the crowd were insane so we had fun watching from above and rocking out in our little pods to it! Afterwards we went to get some drinks and saw a bit of Iggy Azalea's set, which isn't my cup of tea, but she was really going for it on stage and had some brilliant dancers so it was a good show. The first act we properly saw was Joker, who got the day off to a good start with some awesome tunes that got us bouncing around. Then we went across to the Now Wave tent to see Liars, who I hadn't heard of before, but Africa and Phil who we were with rated them so we hopped along. They were an indie sort of band and were quite good, will be checking out some of their stuff.

I went with Jonny and Dom back to the first tent before Liars finished to catch the end of Benga, as I've always wanted to see him live. The tent was absolutely rammed, and the atmosphere was electric, really glad I bothered crushing through to see him perform. There was a bit of a gap music wise after that, so after a brief stint watching Jurassic 5, who were OK, I went back to the base where everyone was and got some nachos with sour cream and cheese, and sunbathed for a while. I bumped into Benn that I went to Benicassim last year with, so was good to catch up with him, and then I went back inside the Now Wave tent as Everything Everything were next to play.

This for me, was the reason I was looking forward to Sunday, as I love the band's new album,  Arc, and they were amazing at Xfm's Winter Wonderland. The lead singer had an incredible live voice, especially considering some of the songs are really high pitched and difficult to sing. Last time they only played five songs as it was a mini set, so it was great to see a full performance, and in particular when they did Kemosabe and Cough Cough, the crowd went wild.

The Horrors were next, who I have seen twice before so wasn't overly bothered about, but they did a good job nonetheless, and we just sat to one side and chilled out for a bit as the tiredness and alcohol were getting to us at that point!

The final act we saw was Julio Bashmore, and despite only knowing one track, everyone got really into it, and he cranked up the tempo until the final song when everyone went mental, which was a great feeling to finish off the festival on. We left quite quickly but then struggled to get a taxi, eventually paying £9 each (there were 7 of us) just to get back into town from Heaton Park! I was at work the next day so wanted to get a taxi straight home, and luckily everyone else was exhausted so did the same so it wasn't completely extortionate!

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