Sunday 2 June 2013

Weekly Update!

Dubstep Spinning, Holiday Booking & A Cheeky Northampton Trip!

This will be short and sweet as I've already written a post on my trip to Hull that took me to Tuesday night. On Wednesday after I had unpacked I took my car for a service and then went to a Body Pump class. As it was my day off I chilled out in the bar afterwards with a protein shake and wrote my journal until my car was ready for collection.

Once I'd picked it up I went home and read for a bit (finally finished my book!) and worked on an article on Disclosure's new album (see previous post). In the evening I did an awesome spin class that had some really good dubstep tunes in it - much more motivational. 

Thursday was back to work, but it's the holidays so not too bad really. In the morning we just chilled out and played on the Wii as they only got back from their holidays quite late on Wednesday so Aum was pretty tired. I wrote my article, then in the afternoon I quickly went for a gym session whilst Aum had a golfing lesson. Once I'd got home I typed up my article and sent it off and then Mo came to stay.

Friday was a gorgeous day, so I took Aum and his friend Max to Stamford Park, and then once he'd gone home we went to the Country Club and he swam outside whilst I had a sunbathe. He was supposed to have a lesson but it was cancelled last minute, which was a shame as I'd have had a swim if I'd have known! We drove home and I finished quite early so went home and sat in the garden until the sun disappeared. Mo came round at 7pm and we ordered a Chinese and booked flights to go on a trip to Majorca, excited!

Saturday I packed quickly for a trip to Northampton to see Geoff and Matt. I got the train at 13.11pm so arrived just after 4pm to enjoy the last of the sunshine in the park. Timna had been there for the Friday so I got to see her briefly before she went back home. We had pizza for tea and went out with some of Geoff's mates to a cocktail bar that did fabulous cucumber gin mohitos, and then went onto a club that had a rock night on - the tunes were incredible!

Sunday I was pretty hungover but perked up after a sleep on the train home. Mo collected me from Stockport and we went for a wander around Lyme Park before going back to mine for a roast dinner and to book the hotel for Majorca. Sun makes everything nicer!

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