Sunday 16 June 2013

Weekly Update!

A Week of Birthdays!

This week started slowly due to the previous weekend's antics - I was knackered on Monday! I spent the day mooching and then went to Mo's in the evening to watch the final Game of Thrones.

On Tuesday I got back into gym routine and tried a new piece of apparatus - the stair machine - apparently I climbed the Statue Of Liberty four times! I went for a swim with Aum after school and ate at the country club, I had chicken yakitori skewers which had a lovely sweet sticky sauce and were garnished with spring onion. I had them with chunky chips, a bit naughty but I worked out hard.

On Wednesday it was Hannah Gordon's birthday so after work and tea Tasha and I popped round for some amazing homemade lemon meringue cake and mojitos. Was lovely to see Hannah, and I'm very jealous of the gorgeous bluey stone coloured Burberry trench coat that her boyfriend Matt got her as a present.

I babysat on Thursday, so as a treat after school we went to The Cake Gallery, where I had a triple chocolate brownie that was still melted in the middle - delish! So glad that I discovered this little cafe, it's a proper hidden gem, and always surprisingly bustling despite its residential location. I only worked until 10pm in the end so managed to grab a much needed early night.

Friday was my birthday, although it wasn't that exciting during the day as everyone was working; I even dragged myself to a Body Combat class to keep occupied! In the evening when everyone was home I opened my presents - I got a beautiful pink, turquoise and purple Swarovski necklace shaped like a little bug from Mo, and the Khuranas got me an amazing Rachel Ruddick black leather studded clutch and an orange patterned sarong that is perfect for my holidays soon!

I got lots of bits and money for furniture from Mum and Dad, vouchers and money from the family and some nail varnishes and Soap and Glory toiletries from Jasmine, very lucky girl as usual!
After I had unwrapped everything Mum took Mo and I to Sokrates, a Greek restaurant in Sale where we had a meal with Tasha, Jack, Emily, Smeed and Hannah (see previous post).

On Saturday Mo and I went for a nice wander around Knutsford and Tatton Park as the weather was lovely despite the bad forecast. In the evening we want round to Ellie's for her birthday night out. We started in Underdog on Oxford Road, the sister bar to Northern Quarter's Black Dog Ballroom, and then moved on to 42s. It was a fun night as loads of people were out and it was cool to go back to 42s as I've not been there since February last year!

Today I was pretty hungover so spent most of the day being lazy, but Jasmine came back from uni for summer, so once Dad was home from work in the evening we all sat down and had a special Father's Day buffet tea - samosas, wontons, crudités and dips, chorizo, popcorn chicken, mozzarella sticks, blue cheese and green bean fritters, pâté on toast, cooked meats... It really was a banquet!

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