Saturday 8 June 2013

Weekly Update!

Picnics, Sunbathing & Tequila!

I thought I'd write this today as I'm about to go to Parklife Festival, so will do two separate posts about that early next week. This week so far has been pretty fun as the weather has been actually amazing (I have a tan and everything!) and Aum's been off school so we've had fun going to various places to keep us entertained.

On Monday he had a friend round so we went to Pizza Express for lunch, where I had a Bosca salad, which is garlic mushrooms, baby mozzarella, avocado, roasted tomatoes, spinach and rocket with a balsamic syrup. It also comes with four warm dough sticks with a honey and mustard dressing that are so delicious! Afterwards we went to Stamford Park, and the boys had a kickaround while I soaked up the rays.

On Tuesday we tried another park - Wythenshawe, which was much better than I expected! Not only does it have a massive play area, but a farm, pitch and putt, duck pond, botanical gardens and lovely hall that you can look around. We took a picnic and ate that and then Aum played for a while before we had to go to the country club for his swimming lesson. Afterwards we sat outside to eat tea, which was lovely, I had udon noodles with king prawns, which was heavy enough to be filling, yet quite light for the warm weather, and the soup left at the bottom of the bowl was really flavoursome.

On Wednesday Aum had a tennis lesson so I did a double whammy of a spin class followed by Body Pump, was completely exhausted afterwards! Luckily the afternoon was spent at Anchors Away indoor play area in Wythenshawe with one of Aum's school friends and his nanny which was fun, always nice to have a bit of company! That evening I stayed at Mo's as he got back from a work trip to London.

On Thursday Aum was on a playdate all day so I went to the gym and got my nails done a really nice magenta purpley colour with blue glitter in, as I fancied something a little jazzy for the festival. In the early evening I drove Aum to his grandparents in Oldham and then Mo came to mine for the evening.

Friday was the best day weather wise, so I sunbathed while Aum had his tennis lesson, and then we got some lunch by the pool. I had crayfish bruschetta, which is probably the best dish I have had there so far. There was a mountain of crayfish on each mini bruschetta, which was then drizzled with a pesto style dressing, and there was a basil mayonnaise dipping sauce in the middle. It was also finished with rocket and cress, absolutely amazing. My dad happened to be there so he tried some, and he loved it even though he doesn't usually rate seafood. That evening once I had finished work, I put on a nice summery dress and went for some drinks in Hogans in Hale. Despite driving in and intending sticking to the one glass of prosecco, I ended up leaving my car in favour of many glasses of wine and some tequila shots!

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