Sunday 23 June 2013

Weekly Update!

Tattoos, Fancy Dress & Rusholme!

This week started nicely with a meal out at Strada in Wilmslow for Dad's birthday (see previous post) which was a good reward after a spin class during the day. On Tuesday I wrote an article for Men's Fashion Week and then had dinner at the Country Club. The weather was great yet again (I can't believe it's lasted) so we sat outside and I had chilli edamame beans and the king crab and asparagus sushi roll, which I have had before and really enjoyed. It is still not as good as the crunch roll though!

The rest of the week was fairly quiet, Mo came round on Wednesday, and on Thursday I babysat; then on Friday I had my tattoo done! I went to Loaded Forty Four in Swinton as it had good reviews online, and a friend had also been and said it was good. I got a treefrog in colour on my left side, which cost me £120. It was pretty painful, especially at the top of my ribs, which just happened to be where the most colour blocking was, but it was over in a couple of hours and I'm so thrilled with the result - the pain was definitely worth it!

In the evening I went to watch Man of Steel at Parrs Wood cinema with Mo (see next week's post), we were both really tired and nearly didn't stay awake until the 11.30pm finish time! Saturday and Sunday were lazy days involving lounging around in bed and eating, broken up by my birthday night out on Saturday that was 80s themed and awesome! 

Everyone made so much effort with costumes; there were Dallas housewives, Kiss members, glam rockers, neon ravers, yuppies, Kylie, Del Boy, Cher and myself as Madonna! Emily made an incredible Rubik's cube cake and Abi baked some gorgeous treacle and cherry cupcakes, and my Mum made a few 80s nibbles, including cheese and pineapple hedgehogs. We went to Poptastic which was really fun, and had bacon sarnies on Sunday morning to soak up all the excess alcohol!

This evening Mo and I went to Rusholme to a place called Jaffa, where we had mixed chicken and lamb shawarma, falafel and hummus - it was amazing and just what was needed on a hangover. I couldn't eat it all as the portions were huge, but I snaffled what I could and it was only £13 for us both including a drink each, bargain!

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