Thursday 13 June 2013

Inspired by a bad mood


A smile, a laugh, like all is fine,
an actress poised to speak a line, 
a talent honed to turn and hide
from birds that peck the brain inside.
Whispering voices drill in fear,
to alienate those who come too near.
A cloud that rests upon the head; 
steals emotion and fills with dread.
A day, a month, a year goes past,
demons lay dormant, then, at last,
when they seem like a rotten dream
they fly back in and start to scream.
The path of happiness? Never for you,
stolen from those with a soul that is true.
And now it is time to give them it back
and return to a world shrouded in black.
On days full of grief these words take a hold,
cutting your heart out and leaving you cold,
but in the moments where blue sky breaks through
set free all the monsters to reclaim you.

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