Tuesday 25 June 2013

Summer Sounds...

Kings Of Leon

Last night I went to watch Kings Of Leon at the Manchester Arena with my friend Rick. They were supported by The Weeks, but we skipped them in favour of a few more drinks - I'd not heard of them anyway! The main act came on at 9pm and weirdly opened with a song off the new album that not many people knew, so it wasn't the best start. It was still a great atmosphere though, and the arena was the most packed I have ever seen it. It apparently wasn't sold out, but must have been incredibly close to capacity as there didn't look to be spaces anywhere!

They did a pretty good set list, really mixing the old and new, including Four Kicks, Molly's Chambers, Taper Jean Girl, The Bucket, On Call, Pyro, Radioactive and a couple of tracks off the new album. I was a bit disappointed they didn't do Charmer as I love that song, but overall I was pleasantly surprised at the number of songs I knew, as I am not a die-hard KOL fan. I loved the fact that they played Knocked Up, as it is a personal favourite, and the chorus kicking in always makes me a bit emotional!!

They left the stage after an hour, and then came back on for the encore. They did Sex on Fire and Use Somebody as well as another new track in the middle which was quite heavy and pretty good. Everyone started filtering out, and we managed to get on a met by 11pm - it's just a shame some idiot pulled the emergency cord so we were stranded on it for the next hour, and I eventually got to bed at half midnight!

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