Sunday 28 July 2013

A Wedding!

Laura and Dickon Morris

I have just returned from what is possibly the most beautiful wedding I have ever attended. It was the union of my good friend Laura Lane and her fiance Dickon Morris. It is her Hen party that I attended in Edinburgh a few weeks ago, and she also happens to be the first to get married within our university friendship group, so the event has been highly anticipated since we found out it was happening nearly a year ago. 

It took place in Giggleswick, North Yorkshire, at the Chapel belonging to the boarding school there, which has recently celebrated its 500 year anniversary, and afterwards in the Richard Whiteley lecture theatre within the school grounds. The chapel is quite simply stunning, and the ceremony was so well done. Laura walked up the aisle looking a million dollars in a heavily laced dress complete with veil, glovelets and a long train to Pachelbel's Canon, carrying a bouquet of babies breath and roses, followed by her six bridemaids who wore varying dresses in a pale taupe. She was met by Dickon who wore a purple bow tie, whilst the groomsmen had spring green ties, and a couple were sporting kilts.

After the vows there were some heartfelt readings from both bride and groom's family and friends, and then a few prayers and well chosen songs which were led by one of the ushers on guitar and one of the bridesmaids on drums. The register was signed to Newton Faulkner, and then the newly married couple were followed outside into the glorious sunshine, where we were given Pimms to drink whilst the photographs were taken.

Next was afternoon tea at the cricket pavilion, which was really fun and relaxed. Whilst the bride and groom had a drive around the countryside in a gorgeous blue and grey old car with some champagne, the wedding party drank tea out of pretty china teacups, and when they were welcomed back, we ate a selection of sandwiches, cake and scones, and then lounged around on the grass and played croquet - it was fantastic!

At 5.30pm we were ushered to the lecture theatre, where we watched a short avant garde theatre piece which was a play on the Secret Garden, the theme for the entire day. The venue was decked out with huge flowers and drapes, and the table centre pieces were bird cages with candles inside, surrounded by pots of herbs (which we got to take home). We had a choice of venison, pork or turkey, served with potatoes, quinoa, bulgar wheat and slaw, and the dessert was buffet style with meringues, fresh fruit, brownies, shortbreads and cream. Claire and I sang a couple of songs whilst people ate, which was nerve-wracking but went well overall, and then we were all given champagne to toast the speeches, which were lovely.

Then there was the 'cutting of the cake' which was difficult as it was made of loads of flower shaped cake-pops with rice paper petals, but the effect was there! Afterwards the cocktail bar opened, where there was a menu of all that was available, served very extravagantly by flarers in teacups, or jam jars garnished with marshmallows, and best of all - free! There was popcorn available to nibble on throughout the night, and music was provided by a few of the guests playing/singing, followed by an awesome playlist that Esther, Laura's sister and bridesmaid compiled.

At 11.45pm we all went outside with sparklers to see the couple off to their hotel, unfortunately it was raining at this point, but that didn't stop it from being a magical ending to a perfect day. Congratulations Mr and Mrs Morris!

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