Friday 12 July 2013

Weekly Update!

Sushi, Summer Drinks & Holiday Prep!

I'm doing my post a little early this week as I'm off to Majorca on holiday tomorrow! The week has been quite uneventful really, just filled with packing and preparation for going away. Tuesday I ate at the country club, and had lobster nigiri sushi with apple jelly which was amazing, and had a side of sunblushed tomatoes with olives, which were served in a cute little terracotta pot. I am not usually a fan of sweet things with savoury, but the apple jelly with the sushi really enhanced the flavour of the lobster, so it was a welcome addition.

On Wednesday I went shopping at the Trafford Centre for some things for Aum, glad I didn't give myself much time, as the sales were really good so I could have spent a lot of money if I'd had chance to look at things! In the evening I went to Mo's and we watched Warm Bodies, which was better than I expected, an easy viewing comedy horror type thing.

The weather was still great this week so once Aum finished school on Thursday at 12pm we went to the park for the afternoon, and then in the evening I had a few drinks with my friend Luke at the Oasthouse in Spinningfields, Manchester. It has a great outdoor area, so was really busy and people stayed until fairly late so it was a good way to break up the week.

Today I took Aum to the country club for the day to work on my pre-tan! We had lunch there (I had the crunch roll sushi, my favourite!) and played in the pool until it was time to leave for his grandparents house in Oldham. Once I had dropped him off I got to come home and finish for two weeks, hooray! I've spent the rest of this afternoon packing, and am off to get my nails done shortly before picking Mo up ready to leave at 4am tomorrow!

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