Sunday 28 July 2013

Weekly Update!

Cocktails, Afternoon Tea & Singing Practise!

I have just come back from the most beautiful wedding (see previous post) but aside from that, this week has been pretty quiet, despite it being my final week off.

On Monday I went to Cheshire Oaks with my mum (see previous post) and on the way home we brought Claire, the uni friend I stayed with in Paris, back with us, who came from  her boyfriend Greg's on the Wirral. We went for a few cocktails at the Slug and Lettuce in Altrincham, and then on Tuesday spent most of the day practising the songs we were singing together at the wedding. We got the arrangements sorted and I felt quite confident with the tracks we had chosen so it was worth the effort. That evening after Claire had left we had fish and chips for tea, and then I stayed at Mo's and we watched the fifth Harry Potter.

On Wednesday I had a lazy day, though managed to drag myself to the gym for a class. Mo came round in the evening and we watched the sixth instalment of Harry Potter.

On Thursday I had my nails done in the morning, then got the train into Chester and met Hannah for afternoon tea. We went to a place called Edgar's which was in a Georgian house overlooking the river, it was gorgeous in the sunshine. We paid £15 including a tip, and got finger sandwiches, fruited scones with jam and cream, and three assorted mini pastries each which we shared - there was lemon meringue pie, strawberry cheesecake, a chocolate cup filled with mousse, a chocolate eclair and 2 Bakewell tarts. I wasn't a huge fan of the sandwiches as we didn't have a choice of filling and I didn't like two of the three (a rather strange concoction of coronation chicken, egg with cheese, and ham with mustard), but the scone and cakes were really good, especially the meringue!

Afterwards we went for a wander around the shops, including a cool designer vintage shop, and then I caught the train back and was greeted with a lovely pork casserole upon my return.

On Friday I did a spinning class, and then had my car valeted ready for a trip to Giggleswick in Yorkshire for the wedding. Mo had a half day off work so we set off at 2.30pm, and called in to Claire's grandparents house near Skipton (where she was staying) en route for a cup of tea. Their house is amazing, a proper country manor set in rolling fields, and Claire and I had a very nerve wracking first performance in front of them and Mo and Greg. It went well though, aside from the lack of confidence, but Mo assured me we were good which made me less apprehensive for the big day. 

At around 5pm we popped to the shops for some barbecue food, and then checked into the hotel before meeting up with Geoff and Brian at the bunk barn they were staying at. I went to pick Joe and Chris up from the station whilst they got the barbie going, and then we had a chilled evening drinking and eating meaty treats. Mo and I got a taxi back at around midnight, and went to bed in preparation for the big day.

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