Sunday 7 July 2013

Weekly Update!

Cheesecake, Crab & Parties!

This week we've had some awesome weather, which always helps things along. Monday and Tuesday were pretty average, this week at the Country Club I got a beef salad that I've had before, but Aum was adventurous and got some pork dumplings off the specials board that were really tasty.

On Wednesday it was his big performance of Peter Pan, so I went to watch him, he was so good! Can't believe that despite being one of the youngest he was the only one to remember all his lines without any prompting, future star clearly! 

On Thursday after school I took him to Cafe Gourmand as a bit of a treat, and we both got mini cheesecakes. I had a raspberry and white chocolate one while he chose the caramel option. I'm not a huge fan of cheesecake to be honest, but it's one of those desserts that crops up quite a lot, so I've made a decision to try and wean myself onto them. I much prefer more fruity based ones (hence my choice) as I find the combination of the sickly mousse topping with the very sweet digestive  a bit overpowering, and fruit seems to counteract the immense sugary taste with a bit of zest or zing. Aum's caramel one was therefore off-limits, much to his delight, but I actually enjoyed mine, especially as the miniature portion was exactly the right size for my dubious appetite.

On Friday after a spinning class and dental visit, I went all out and got a new raspberry Flake McFlurry, which is a great variety for people who enjoy Mr Whippee ice creams but not so much the cones. In the evening I met Emily, Smeed and Tasha at the Griffin, and we sat in the waning sunshine and had some drinks and light food. I got potted crab, which looked quite rustic, but still tasted great. It came with two big chunky slices of wholemeal bread, a rocket salad and a boiled egg, delicious, especially for a summery evening. I stayed at Mo's afterwards last minute, and then headed home quite early the next morning to finish packing my bag for our trip to Leamington.

We set off at midday, and got there for just before 2pm, so not a bad run. We sat in the garden as the weather was amazing, had some lunch and helped set up some stuff for the party that was going on that evening. People started properly arriving from about 4pm, and music kicked off from 7.30pm (by which time I was well on my way to being drunk!). There were five acts that played, including two of Khumbu's (the host) bands and then three solo artists, and all were thoroughly enjoyable. We ended up in town afterwards at midnight as a neighbour complained about the noise, but it was really fun, and we ended up sleeping in the garden, which felt a bit adventurous.

The following day I felt horrendous, so slept for as long as I could before everyone started surfacing and I had to get changed and look alive. We walked into town and got some breakfast, which somehow managed to make me feel worse. It was very tasty though, I had eggs Benedict and a side order of chunky chips which I failed to finish, and then went back to bed when I got to the house. Eventually Mo managed to persuade me to leave so we drove home, stopping at a services on the way to cool down as I was so hot, and Mo felt like he was going to fall asleep. We took a wrong turn on the motorway so ended up near Liverpool, and finally got home at 6.30pm, exhausted, grumpy and feeling rough. Not a great end, but a fun week!

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