Sunday 13 April 2014

New Tastes...

Lucha Libre, Manchester

Last night my friend Timna from university came to visit with her boyfriend Sam. I organised for a few of us to go for a meal and drinks in Manchester so we had something to entertain us, and to keep my mind off this weeks' happenings!

I chose Lucha Libre, a Mexican street food restaurant that is in the Great Northern in Manchester. Tasha has been to the one in Liverpool and said it was lovely, so I was looking forward to it.

After booking a table, we arrived and sat down and were explained the premise of the place - it is similar to tapas in that the dishes are small and come out when they are ready, so they recommend choosing three each. We got some nachos with guacamole and salsa to nibble while we chose. I opted for the chicken and chorizo empanadas (£4.50), and the prawn tacos (£5.75) - which were mini versions of the soft variety as opposed to the crunchy crisp type ones. Aside from the prawns, they also had minted quacamole, coriander, chilli and mango salsa in, an interesting combination of flavours that worked well - the hotness of the chilli was soothed by the cool mint guacamole, really delicious. Each of mine were nice little portions, I could have eaten a third dish but decided to hold off, however some people got burritos which were ample as a singular dish, yet they were only £6-8!

A few people got desserts, but I didn't really fancy anything on the menu so got a cocktail called the Gecko instead. It was amazing - Hendricks gin, elderflower foam, apple tequila and soda; I was lucky not to have discovered it earlier in the evening or I could have spent a lot of money on them!

Altogether the bill for me came to £28 and I had extra wine to everyone else and the cocktail, so I was pretty happy with that. Its a good place to go with a big group, but next time I think I'd like to share lots of dishes rather than ordering my own, as it makes it a bit more sociable!

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