Sunday 6 April 2014

Weekly Update!

Fish, Steak Pizza & Prosecco!

On Monday Mo came to mine and cooked a really nice bit of salmon with veg and potatoes for tea, makes a change for it to be so healthy! Tuesday I had fish again, but at the Country Club, this time it was sea bass with crab and cauliflower salad and asparagus and was amazing as per usual. On Wednesday Tasha came to mine and I made a spaghetti bolognese and we booked the hotel for our holiday - so excited!

I babysat on Thursday and then on Friday went out to Manchester for a meal and drinks (see previous post). Yesterday I got up early and drove Mum and I to Leeds to see Jasmine as a belated Mother's Day present. We bought her a ticket to the theatre to see Pygmalion, and went to Ask in Headingley for lunch beforehand. We got the mixed Panzerottini (filled dough balls) and a sharing platter of meat, cheese and bread as a starter, and then for main I had the most amazing pizza type thing that was a rosemary and sea salt flat bread topped with steak, rocket, tomatoes and grana pardano. It was absolutely huge, and tasted phenomenal, the waitress recommended it and I'm glad I trusted her judgement!

We were really full, and pushed for time afterwards so skipped dessert and went straight to watch the play, which was really good (see next week's post), and then I drove back home and quickly got ready for a night out! Emily and Natasha came to mine for predrinks, and then we met my friend Amanda in Manchester and went to Neighbourhood. It was a really fun night, we were on the prosecco and the music was awesome, we stayed so late and got free shots! 

Today I felt pretty ropey, I'd stayed at my parents so was in bed until lunchtime, then had a bacon and egg sandwich and was given a lift home. Mo came round and we've just had a much needed Chinese, though it took nearly an hour and a half to arrive, not the best on a hangover!

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