Saturday 19 April 2014

Travellers' Tales

Bergerac, France (Part 1)

Today I got back from a lovely little holiday to Bergerac in the south of France. My friend Claire from university has a house there, so I stayed with her, and travelled from Liverpool as flights are direct to Bergerac airport for really good prices (I paid £93). I left very early on Tuesday morning, so was in France for 10am, and Claire met me at the airport. We went back to her house, and sunbathed all day as the weather was amazing, about 24 degrees which is unheard of for this time of year. That evening we went into Bergerac with Claire's sister Margaux for a mohito at The Riverside bar, and then had dinner and drinks back at hers with her brother Tom as well. We were all pretty high spirited, so ended up staying up until 3am drinking and dancing to cheesy music - it's a good job she hasn't any neighbours close by as we were making a racket!

On Wednesday we had a nice lie in, and then sunbathed again until mid afternoon before having a rice salad for lunch and heading out for a wine tasting session. We went to Chateau de Tiregand, which is about 15 minutes drive from the house, and famed for its aged red wine. I am not normally a fan of oaked wines (something I get from my parents preferences) but I really enjoyed the ones we had, and I found that I could actually taste the difference between the different years when Margaux described the flavours to us (she works as a guide there in summer). Afterwards we popped to the supermarket for some drinks for that evening as we were having Pierre and Greg, some of their friends, over for dinner.

We had cubed potatoes, a steak with a fried egg on top and green beans, followed by a peach and custard tart for dessert - it was all so tasty! We played drinking games and danced until silly o'clock again getting very drunk. It was exactly what I needed to cheer myself up and take my mind off the break up with Mo. I eventually dragged myself to bed at 2.30am, whilst the others continued downstairs.

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