Monday 7 April 2014

Spring Performances...

Pygmalion at Leeds Grand Theatre - 5 stars *****

On Saturday I went to visit Jasmine in Leeds with Mum, and the three of us went to watch Pygmalion at the theatre as a belated Mother's Day present. When we arrived we were told that there were spare seats nearer to the front, so despite paying £24 for balcony seats, we got ones worth £36!

I studied the George Bernard Shaw play as part of my GCSEs, so am familiar with the storyline, but Jasmine and Mum weren't, so I was interested to see what they thought. Henry Higgins was expertly played by Alistair McGowan, who put his accent talents to great use, creating brilliant comedic value. In fact, the cast as a whole were very good, although a couple of actors had to have stand ins, one of whom awkwardly forgot some lines - but it wasn't that noticeable. I particularly liked the portrayal of Higgins' housekeeper, Mrs Pearce, a brash and blunt Irish redhead, determined to knock some sense into Henry. Rachel Barry did a sterling performance of Eliza Doolittle, though her animalistic calls did get on my nerves a little! 

The set was a hugely detailed one, that was fully moveable in order to create different scenes. It was very different from a lot of the lower budget performances I watched with school. A main 'box' was in the centre, which could be moved around in order to change from outdoor to indoor scenes, and create doorways for entrance and exits. Props were used to great advantage in my opinion, although McGowans facial expression and mannerisms alone were enough to bring the stage to life.

Overall the Grand's production was a great success, and I would have gone back to watch it again given the chance. The relationships between characters, particularly Higgins and his mother, played by Rula Lenska, were very believable, and a number of lines and deliveries had the audience in stitches! It also had its moments of sadness, and infuriation, which is always the a sign of a good play. Pygmalion was a chance and lucky find, which my mum and sister both thoroughly enjoyed.

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