Sunday 13 April 2014

Weekly Update!

Breakups & Distractions!

This week has been pretty challenging, as not only was it the school holidays, but Mo broke up with me on Tuesday, so I was having to contend with all kinds of emotions whilst entertaining Aum! On Monday and Friday he was at a science club so I had my days free as usual, and he went to his Grandparents in Pontefract from Tuesday afternoon until Thursday, so it was a relatively easy week. On Tuesday morning he had two friends for a play date, so I took them all to Laser Quest and for Pizza Hut, which was a nice distraction.

On Friday Mum came and dyed my hair and stayed over, and we had Nasi Goreng for tea which was really yummy. On Saturday I had my nails done and then Timna my friend from uni and her boyfriend Sam came to stay, and we went out for food in Manchester (see previous post). Today I made us all blueberry pancakes for breakfast and now I am cosy at Mum and Dad's for the night after a nice roast dinner. A tough week, but its over now!

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