Sunday 27 April 2014

Weekly Update!

Biryani, Convoying & 

This week got off to a good start, as after a pleasant walk in Styal and a roast dinner with the family, Mo came round and we had a proper talk and decided to get back together. I was really nervous as had no idea which way it would go, but I am happy we both agreed it was what we wanted. On Tuesday I went for a coffee with Rick, as I hadn't seen him in ages, and then after having an amazing steak, roquefort and mushroom sandwich at the Country Club for tea, I popped to Mum's for a drink to catch up.

On Wednesday Mo came round and cooked a gorgeous chicken biryani for our tea, it was pretty spicy but delicious all the same! I visited Abi on Thursday, who I hadn't seen in a month, and then babysat in the evening. I also managed to crash my car, literally half an hour after collecting it from an MOT. It is a little scratched and dented on the bumper, but surprisingly not as bad as I thought it would be - although the damage to the other car was too much to pay out for, so I am having to go through my insurance, gutted!

On Friday I went round to Mo's and we watched a film called Afflicted, which was average at best. The next day we convoyed down south as he was going to Portsmouth on the bike, and I was bound for Surrey to stay with Laura and Dickon. We stopped for lunch and then split up to go in different directions. I arrived at about 3pm, and Laura and I went into Guildford for a wander around the shops while Dickon played golf. We stopped for a coffee and brownie at a place called Harris & Hoole, which was a lovely independent seeming cafe; then I found out afterwards it is owned by Tesco!

We drove back to Laura and Dickon's and had a delicious meal of fig and goats cheese bruschetta followed by seabass with couscous and ratatouille, and then Dickon drove us to Clapham where Claire was having her 25th birthday party in a bar called 64th & Social. It was masquerade themed, and Laura and I had bought Facelace - basically fine leather lacework that sticks directly onto your face. It looked really cool, but when we walked in noone else was wearing a mask! Once they saw us everyone put theirs on though which was good. We had some free prosecco (we'd already shared a bottle in the car en route!) and then stuck to gin and lemonade for the night. I can't remember getting home! It's a long time since I have had one of those nights, but I remember it being lots of fun which is always a good sign.

Today I had a great cooked breakfast before setting off home at 12.30pm. I had to take a detour for petrol so it took me 4 hours, but was a relatively easy drive. I am now awaiting Mo's arrival after his epic ride from Portsmouth!

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