Sunday 20 April 2014

Weekly Update!

Nights In & Tiki Heads!

This week was mainly spent on holiday in France (see previous post) but I got back yesterday at lunchtime, so had a little bit of the weekend left (bonus that it's the Easter Bank Holiday as well!). Yesterday Mum and Jasmine came round to mine for lunch, and then we went for a shop around John Lewis and the retail park nearby which was nice. Jasmine has only come back for the four days over her whole Easter holiday due to having her dissertation to do, so it was good to spend some time together. In the evening Emily and Smeed popped round, originally it was supposed to be a bit of a gathering with a few others and drinks, but people weren't really up for it, and I was super tired from my trip (surviving on 2 hours sleep) so I was glad!

Today I chilled out for most of the day, did a lot of blogging to catch up, and then got ready for a night out to Manchester with the girls. I wore a black pencil skirt that is almost scuba material that I bought on my holiday with a new sheer top with bronze collar and cuffs that I bought just before I left. Tasha, Lydia and Emily all came to mine for predrinks, and we had a proper catch up, as we've not seen Lydia since January! We only realised the time very last minute so had to run for the train at quarter past eleven and just made it luckily. 

We went to Deansgate Locks for a change, and ended up in Lola Lo's, a tiki style bar which is really funky inside. For a Bank Holiday I thought it was quite quiet, and they were obviously expecting it to be busier as there were lots of bar staff on. We got a zombie cocktail to share to begin with which was served in a Tiki head pottery cup, and then I had a few gins. It wasn't a really heavy night, but that was better as it meant we all got chance to chat rather than dancing and not being able to hear each other. Nice to make the most of a Sunday night! (finished this off on Monday to recount the night!)

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