Wednesday 9 July 2014

Travellers' Tales...

NYC - Part 2 (Tues & Weds)

Tuesday dawned and I got up super early (5.45am!) to shower and get ready for a day in Manhattan. We ate in the hotel which is a buffet style so I had eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes - they have them with every meal over here - and a blueberry bagel with grape jam.

After taking Aum to school I walked to Hoboken PATH station, where I caught the train to 33rd Street. From there I walked all the way to the Planetarium to see if they had tickets (they didn't as the last showing was too early for after school), stopping at Central Park on the way for a break to read my book and have an ice lolly.

I walked back through Times Square which was cool, and popped into a few shops before heading back to the hotel to collect Aum. After school we went and did the Empire State. Aum loved the Skyride and we got some great pictures. We ate afterwards at The Rockefeller which was gorgeous - I had a lamb and squash kebab after some of their famous guacamole and chips. We stopped for some cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery on the way home (I had a lemon and blueberry and a peanut butter with jelly) and I had the first one with a cup of tea before bed - delicious!

This morning we ate in the hotel again; this time I had some oatmeal with berries and honey as well as my eggs, bacon and sausage, and tried a corn muffin which I left as it wasn't that nice. After dropping Aum off all of us (including his aunt, cousin and nanny) walked to Carlo's Bakery of the legendary Cake Boss. I got a caramel cupcake which was my favourite so far - the sponge was more dense than most and the topping was like whipped cream it was so aerated, a perfect combination.

Afterwards I walked and got the PATH, this time to 14th Street to explore the East Village. I had made a stupid decision to wear uncomfortable shoes though, so stopped in Washington Square Park and Tompkins Square Park to give myself a rest from blisters! Luckily the scenery was pretty enough to make me forget them.

I got the train back and had a wrap in a cafe in Hoboken and gave Mo a call as he has gone to Tallinn today on a stag weekend. After school we were all quite tired so just had dinner locally at a place called Henry's on the Hudson which had a gorgeous view of the sun setting across the water as we ate. I had a chicken caesar salad as my wrap at lunch was so filling, and I can feel myself falling asleep already, so imagine an early night is calling!

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