Thursday 24 July 2014

Weekly Update! (Part 2)

Garden Parties & Yorkshire Pudding Traybakes!

Continuing from my last post... on Friday we all went back to the Trafford Centre, this time for some crazy golf! We played two games, both of which I won, which never happens! Afterwards we wet for lunch at TGI Fridays, where I had a Jack Daniels chicken and shrimp plate, which was nice, but served with frozen veg which was a little disappointing!

In the evening I had a chilled one, I dyed my hair and Mo came round super late after packing all his stuff up ready to move back home the next day. Yesterday I cleaned the flat from top to bottom, which was much needed, then in the afternoon I went to our family friend Laura's 21st birthday party. It was a gorgeous day so everyone was in the garden, which was decked out with fairy lights, bunting and a bar! I had a few glasses of prosecco and some of the lovely food which was served, before Mo picked me up to go to James and Kelly's for some more drinks (others had gone earlier for a barbecue). We played a board game which was hilarious given that I was rather tipsy at this point, and eventually made it to bed at about 3am!

Today we hung around for a while, before going back to Mo's, calling into McDonalds en route for hangover food! I headed back home for a couple of hours, and then went for a roast at my parent's house. Mum was feeling experimental so made a strange yorkshire pudding traybake thing (Jamie Oliver is to thank for it), that was basically roasted vegetables and sausage balls with pudding batter poured over and baked. It was really tasty, and a good change from the usual, still with the obligatory stuffing and roasties of course! I've just come round to Mo's to stay, we are currently watching House of Cards, a new show he has got into - although he refuses to watch it with me as I take too long to do series apparently!

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