Sunday 20 July 2014

Weekly Update!

Lydia's Birthday & Being Home!

I got back from New York yesterday morning, knackered after a long night flight, though luckily I did manage to catch a few hours shut eye so I wasn't a complete zombie. I spent the day chilling out, unpacking and napping to try and prepare myself for the evening, when Mo and I went to Piccolino's for my friend Lydia's birthday. There were 13 of us altogether, and we'd been given the private dining room upstairs which was cool, so we were all sat around a huge circular table.

We shared bottles of wine between us all, before Tasha and I advanced onto prosecco after the food. I went for the crab ravioli, which was really nice, and the portion size was perfect as I wasn't feeling that hungry. We all shared the Cakes by Melissa that I had brought back from New York with me - I had the chocolate chip pancake, peanut butter and jelly, and chocolate chip cookie flavoured ones; they were gorgeous little cakes, I would definitely recommend if you can get hold of them.

 We all stayed for quite a while after the meal, a few had desserts, and we left when the waitress came to tell us they wanted to close. We continued the drinks back at mine as a few people were staying, it ended up being a late one, but maybe that's was a good thing for my jet lag!

Today after a lie in and tidying the flat, Mo and I headed round to my parents for a roast dinner and much needed catch up (I haven't seen them for a month as they were on holiday before me). It was lovely to all sit around and chat, and although the food didn't include Yorkshire puddings (poor show on Mum's account!) it was delicious, and much appreciated after a fortnight of American grub!

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