Friday 18 July 2014

Travellers' Tales...

NYC - Part 6 (Weds-Fri)

On Wednesday I got a slight lie in (7.15am!) as I'd bought my breakfast from Starbucks the night before and Aum was on his sleepover. I got to their apartment to help with the school run at 8.15am and then went back to my hotel, went for a run and got changed ready for my tattoo appointment at 1pm.

I had a light lunch en route so I didn't feel faint, and then after seeing the design that Grez, my artist, had drawn up, he set to work. It was more painful than I expected; having my last one on my ribs which is supposedly the worst pain-wise, I thought my upper arm being much more fleshy would be a walk in the park! It still stung, and after about an hour it was really achy and sore, so I'm glad it didn't take much longer!

I was given a bandage over it to protect it (caused some interesting questions at school!) and popped into 16 Handles, an amazing frozen yoghurt place. I had salted caramel and toffee popcorn flavours, topped with raspberries, Butterfingers, peanut butter cups, cookie dough and chocolate pretzels, which definitely helped ease the tattoo pain! 

After collecting Aum we quickly whizzed back to the hotel for him to have a shower and get changed, and then we got the PATH to Manhattan with his cousins and the rest of the clan to see Times Square. We did Toys R Us, including riding the big wheel inside (we got the Scooby Doo carriage!) and then decided to get some food as it was getting pretty late for the kids. We just went to a fast food place, where we got pizza slices and the three adults shared some wine - very nicely served in polystyrene cups!

The kids were knackered at this point, so we headed back, taking pictures along the way of the amazing buildings all lit up. We eventually got to bed at 10.15pm.

Yesterday was my last full day, but I was so tired after the previous night that I needed a lazy day, so spent it packing my bags and sorting everything out for my departure. I wandered to the Jersey Mall in the afternoon, for a meander around the shops, and treated myself to a very American lunch of an Auntie Ann's pretzel and a Dunkin' Donut. Aum's dad (also called Mo) arrived just in time for the school run, which was lovely for Aum, and after a coffee and a change of clothes we went out for dinner with the whole group to a Cuban place called Azucar.

For starter we had a mixed platter of appetisers, including vegetable crochets, chicken wings, prawns wrapped in bacon, pork balls and nachos, and for main I had king prawns in a creole sauce with black bean rice and salad. We had their house special mojitos to begin with which were amazing, and then I had white wine with the rest of the meal. The kids were all really tired after eating so we went home straight away afterwards, and I completely crashed out!

This morning we took Mo to the diner to experience the amazing breakfasts we've been having! I had French toast filled with sweet cream cheese and maple syrup which was gorgeous, and then we dropped Aum off for his final day at summer school. I walked and got the train to Manhattan, and bought a few last minute presents - some Cakes By Melissa for Lydia's birthday tomorrow, some M&Ms PJs as a present for her, and a KitchenAid attachment for my mum. 

I walked to Bryant Park and finished my book whilst eating a ham, mustard, cheese and poached pear sandwich (don't knock it 'til you've tried it!) and then got the PATH back to collect Aum for one last time. Now I am all packed up and ready for my taxi to take me home after an INCREDIBLE 2 weeks!

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