Friday 4 July 2014

Weekly Update!

Panicking, PreppingPacking!

This week has mainly been spent panicking about getting everything done before New York! I thought I'd post now and then I can blog from Stateside for the next fortnight.

On Monday I was supposed to be going for a drink with a friend, but it got cancelled so I went round to Mo's instead and we spent the evening spring cleaning his entire apartment. It was a hard job but well worth it for the end results. On Tuesday I went to the Country Club and had a meal off the specials board - pan fried scallops with pancetta and squash puree. It was rather small so I ordered some chunky chips once it had arrived; the dish tasted amazing, it was a great combination of flavours.

On Wednesday I had a university friend and her friend to stay, so after finishing work I went home and had a nice catch up with her - it's been nearly three years! Afterwards I went to Mo's to stay and we had amazing homemade macaroni cheese.
Yesterday I met up with Abi for lunch at Gastronomy to get some insider tips for my trip. They have a new menu system where you choose a main course, and then add either two or three sides to it from the deli bar. I wasn't super hungry so had one side (asparagus and green bean salad) to accompany a feta, red pepper and olive quiche which was homemade and lovely. In the evening I popped home quickly to pick up two pairs of shoes that I have bought from ASOS for my hols, I love them!

Today after a Pilate's class which was boring as ever (I don't know why I keep giving it a go!) I had my nails done and then after work cooked steak, breaded garlic mushrooms and mashed potato for Mo and I as a farewell dinner! I won't see him for a full two weeks which is the longest we've been apart, so it will be a challenge. Now I just have to pack!

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