Sunday 17 June 2012

Having a Ball!

Bowdon Hockey Summer Ball

Last night I went to Bowdon Hockey, Squash and Cricket club with Sam for their annual Summer Ball. It is quite a formal affair, so I loved the opportunity to dress up and have a lovely five course meal. I wore a dress from River Island that I wore to a wedding last summer- it is quite punky in style, with a big 50s-esque pleated skirt and elasticated straps across a completely open back, with a flourescent orange zip up the front. I love it as I think it shows my personality off perfectly.

We arrived at 7.30pm and had a glass of champagne before sitting down for our food. We had a melon and summer berry mixture with serrano ham and a champagne sorbet for starter. I don't like melon, but because there was plenty of other things on the plate, I didn't feel uncomfortable not eating it which was nice. For the main course there was beef steak with a red berry and shallot jus on a potato rosti served with vegetables. The steak was done just how I like it (medium well) but I think a few people were a little disappointed that it wasn't more rare.

For dessert there was chocolate torte with summer berry compote and ice cream. It was very rich so I didn't eat much of it after the heavy steak, but I ate the fruit and the ice cream, which was bursting with vanilla pods, and tasted divine. There was a short gap and then tea, coffee and amaretto biscuits were served, followed later on by a cheese and biscuit board which was left out for the remainder of the night, and I definitely took advantage of it!

Throughout the meal there were various sources of entertainment, there was a magician wandering around doing card tricks, a band who did some easy going background music whilst we ate, before livening up for when people headed to the dancefloor (some people went in between courses!), and there was also a raffle and charity auction amongst other party games. The band weren't great vocally, but people got up regardless, so it didn't affect things too much!

Everyone looked so elegant and gorgeous, and the drinks flowed all night, so it was a really fun evening. It didn't end too late (just after 1am) but I was completely shattered so we walked into Hale and got a taxi back. It was a nice change of scene for a Saturday night!

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