Saturday 2 June 2012

Traveller's Tales...

Menai, Wales

My friend Hana is studying for her Masters in Marine Biology at Bangor University. This week, she offered up an open house, and seen as I had the week off work, I jumped at the chance for a roadtrip.

I set off at 3pm on Weds, and it was a really good clear run up so I arrived just after 4.30pm. The weather wasn't great but it wasn't raining and was fairly mild, so we walked to the supermarket to get some ingredients to make cupcakes, and took a detour on the way home to Church Island, which had the tiniest little church on it, it was adorable! Back home, after we had made the cakes and eaten a quick tea of tuna pasta we drove to South Stacks where there is a lighthouse and lots of pretty flowers to look at. It was freezing up high so we didn't stay long - but we did have a cheeky paddle in the sea anyway!

On Thursday we woke up bright and early and had a hearty breakfast as we were climbing Snowdon. It was drizzling a little but we were prepared with waterproof trousers and jackets and hefty walking boots so it didn't deter us. When we eventually got there and began the ascent, the rain got much heavier and we were drenched after ten minutes! There were some gorgeous views despite the tough climb, and we managed to walk faster than the steam train that goes up the mountain which we were pretty chuffed with!

We only went halfway as it was pretty ridiculous how wet we were, and once we had slightly dried off we drove to Betws-y-Coed to have afternoon tea. The place that we went to was amazing - for £18 we got triple decker salmon and cucumber sandwiches, scones with jam and cream, chocolate cake, tea bread, carrot cake, meringue, apple crumble cake and brownies for two people! It was definitely well deserved after our walk (although we didn't eat it all, we left with a doggie bag!).

Afterwards we drove home and showered and got ready to go into Bangor. We went to a bar called Fat Cat for BOGOF cocktails; we had a French Martini and one called a Cherry Bakewell which was delicious. We saw Snow White and the Huntsman at the cinema (see next week's post), and then went home super tired to bed.

On Friday the weather was slightly better, with no rain and fairly clear skies, so we packed up a picnic (including some pink champagne) and headed to Newborough beach. Because we were in such a secluded bay we wore our bikinis and sunbathed, there was no wind at all and we stayed for most of the day so it was really relaxing. We walked back along the clifftops which was lovely, and then I drove home at 5pm once we had got back to Menai. A perfect start to a week off!

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