Sunday 3 June 2012

Weekly Update!

Meals Out, & Meals In!

There's not a great deal to say about this week, having already done posts on my trips to Wales and Chester, which have taken up the majority of my week apart from working at the pub. From Wednesday I was off work from nannying as they were on holiday, but Monday and Tuesday I had Aum all day as he was off school, and with the weather being nice we spent Monday in Stamford park and had a picnic. We were there for a couple of hours and then he had a football lesson so I got some time to sunbathe back at his house. On Tuesday we went into Hale and had a coffee and cake in Costa Coffee which was nice, and then I babysat until 9.30pm.

I got back from Wales on Friday (see previous post) and that evening Sam and I went into Hale for a meal and some drinks. We started in Piccolinos, and then ate at Earle, which was amazing! I had black pudding bites with mustard for a starter, followed by ham, pea and mint risotto topped with a breadcrumbed poached egg and a parmesan crisp. I have wanted to eat there for a while as I had heard good things, and I wasn't disappointed! We went to La Vina afterwards for a couple of drinks, and Lydia joined us after she had finished work.

On Saturday after I had finished work I went round to Sam's and he cooked a meal for me and all my friends, there were nine of us! Abi was visiting from New York, so it was cool to all get together and have some good food and drink. We had bread, salamis and olives with balsamic vinegar as nibbles to start with, with mojitos to drink, and then went and sat in the dining room for the main course - chicken stuffed with basil and mozzerella, wrapped in parma ham, with crushed new potatoes, green beans and broccoli. It was delicious! Emily made some cute little jubilee cupcakes for dessert as well which was great, and then we went downstairs to continue drinking. People left at around midnight, and we went to bed as we are going to Chester at lunchtime today - a great weekend so far!

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