Sunday 24 June 2012

Weekly Update!

Bowling, Brewdog & A Lazy Sunday!

This week has been a bit of a mixed bag really, I've had my nails done again, gymmed a lot ready for Beni and had a test drive in a Toyota Aygo which I loved. I was pretty nervous as I've never done one before, but once I'd got the hang of it, it was fine.

On Tuesday I went to the Trafford Centre with Charlotte and Emily as I wanted a bit of a mooch about. I only bought something small (see previous post on latest purchases!) but it was nice to get out of the house and catch up with the girls.

I went for a few drinks at The Greyhound on Thursday, and on Friday after a quick tea of pizza and garlic bread, Sam and I went bowling! Although I lost miserably it was really good fun and something a bit different to do which was good.

Yesterday after work we went out to celebrate my friend Smeed's birthday. We had predrinks at his house and then headed into Manchester to Brewdog bar and Venue nightclub afterwards. Smeed and Emily both got really drunk so we left at around 2am to escort them home - not that we were much better!

Today we had a lie in and then went to The American Bar for pancakes for breakfast. The food was great (Sam had the full English) but the service was pretty poor so I wouldn't rush back to be honest! This the evening we chilled out in front of the TV and had a lovely chicken casserole for tea made by Sam's mum. We popped out later for some chocolate biscuits and sweeties as a treat and I also bought a magazine to catch up on the showbiz world. I love Sundays!

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