Sunday 10 June 2012

Weekly Update!

Piercings, Ball Parks & Huge Pizzas!

This week has been good fun, even if I do feel awful today (see previous post for explanation!). On Monday I was in Chester with Sam, and then I worked the evening, although it was fairly quiet so I got to finish earlier than usual. On Tuesday I went into Manchester and got some new piercings! I had three microdermal gems placed just above my bellybutton, and though they are the most painful piercings I have had done (they weren't too bad, just all my others have been practically painless) they are so worth it as I love them!

That afternoon I went to Ikea with Sam and my mum to buy a bedroom unit I have wanted for ages, and I made it by myself on Wednesday, which I was very proud of! On Thursday it was back to work as usual, and I had Aum all day so took him to Ants In Your Pants, a big children's indoor ball park near to my house. We had lunch there which was actually really good, I had homemade broccoli soup with wholemeal bread and it was delicious.

On Friday Aum had a friend round to the house, so I took them to Pizza Express for lunch as a treat. The kids menu is really good value there, three courses for just £6.65. I had a full sized pizza, which was definitely full sized, it must have been 15 inches wide! It had artichokes, mushrooms, ham, olives and chicken on and a pesto base. I just chilled out in the evening after a fairly hectic week so far, despite being off work for half of it!

On Saturday it was my birthday night out (see previous post) and today I have spent recovering, and have just finished a gorgeous roast dinner courtesy of Sam's mum. It is all I've managed to eat all day!

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