Sunday 10 June 2012

My Birthday!

Cake, Champagne and a Horrific Hangover!

Yesterday was the day I celebrated my birthday with all my friends, as originally I was supposed to be away for the weekend directly after it. Six of university friends came down from Lancaster, and they met me in the pub that I work in before I finished. We went home and had a lovely chilli for tea courtesy of my mum, and then the girls went upstairs to get ready while the boys watched the football downstairs.

I wore a mint green dress from H&M that I bought whilst in Chester, with a thin gold belt and nude T-bar heels. It looked pretty summery, but I didn't care! The rest of my friends arrived between eight and half past, and we started the drinking!

I opened a bottle of champagne for us all to share, and my mum had made me a marbled chocolate birthday cake, which my friends insisted on having candles in so they could sing to me. Suitable drunk, we got a minibus into Manchester to Factory, where I had sorted out a guestlist so we got in cheaper (and I got in for nothing!).

The rest of the night is a bit of a blur to be honest! Apparently we got home at around 3am, and ordered cheesy garlic bread which was delivered to the house - I have no idea who delivers so late! - and then we all crashed out in beds, including a couple of my friends who hadn't intended staying! 

I was sick during the night, much to my surprise, and again this morning, so have spent today in various states between horrendous and awful, not managing to eat anything for most of the day, and having a whole house to tidy up after a party, not fun. It was an absolutely brilliant night though, and everyone said they enjoyed themselves, which is always a good sign. Same time next year!

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