Saturday 29 September 2012

Autumn Sounds...

The Portlands

Last night was our final night before Hana leaves us tomorrow so we were all up for a good night. We went round to Hana's house at half seven as her stepdad had made us all spaghetti bolognese which was gorgeous. We had a nice catchup with the family, and a few glasses of wine, and I took some coconut and banana cupcakes that my mum had made for dessert. 

At about half nine we headed into Manchester to Ruby Lounge in the Northern Quarter, where a friend of Hana's band, called The Portlands, were playing. It was free to get in, and they were headlining a BBC Introducing event, which was supposed to be really good.

We bought a drink, and then the band came on, and they were actually really good! They reminded me of the Maccabees in terms of the sound of the lead singers' vocals, but the backing music was much heavier and had a more edgy, rocky sound. They played for over 45 mins, and then came back on for an encore as the crowd went wild! They have done a US tour, and are about to embark on one in Germany, so we may hear from them again in the future!

Afterwards we got a taxi over to Deansgate Locks (we wouldn't normally, but it was hammering down with rain!) and went to Revolution where we met up with Natasha, who was out with her workmates. We had a few drinks and some shots, and had a good boogie downstairs in the club room. By half past midnight we were all really tired so we jumped in a taxi, and were home by 1am. It was a good way to end our last night with Hana though - no drunken mishaps or sick involved!

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